Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Pope, New Name, same doctrine

Jesuits and Franciscans around the world are celebrating Pope Francis.  The first Jesuit elected Pope and the first Pope to choose the name Francis.  As someone who chose to name her Independent Catholic Order The Franciscans of Mary the Theotokos, I should be happy and celebrating, too.  But I'm not filled with joy because the former Cardinal from Argentina fought unsuccessfully against both same sex marriage and birth control.  Francis of Assisi embraced a life of poverty as has Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  Francis embraced the poor as has the newly elected Pope.  Francis believed that all of Creation was holy and blessed.  Only time will tell if Francis I feels the same way.  But one thing is certain, the doctrines that keep the GLBT community feeling unwelcome and wanted will likely not change.
The new Pope has been hailed as a reformer.  Perhaps he chose the name Francis because he understands that the the Roman Catholic Church is surely in need of repairing.  The question is what Church will his reforms rebuild:  the inclusive one that follows the Gospel message of Jesus Christ?  Or the exclusive on that follows the narrow-minded doctrines of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XIV?  Since he one of the group of Cardinals chosen by John Paul II and Benedict XIV to elect the Pope, he likely shares their views.

Holy Mary, Mother of Creation, bless us that we may experience God as Love in praise of all creatures, in love of all of creation. Amen.
Father Michael Adams -

Peace and Blessing! Sister Pat, FMT

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