I attended the Ordination to the Priesthood of my friend Deacon, now Reverend, Joan on Friday, May 8, 2015. She was ordained an Independent Catholic Priest. One of the traditions is that the newly ordained Priest gives first blessings after Mass. Reverend Joan didn't say a quick blessing. She took time with each person and blessed them with words from her heart.
The blessing I received had to with my doubts about my call to be a Sister which I discussed in a previous post, Still Answering The Call Reluctantly. She prayed that God would make clear the path for me and remove whatever doubts I have. I was deeply touched by the thoughtful blessing I received from my friend.
After the Mass, there was a pot luck dinner. My friend Fr. Bill offered to get me something to drink. I explained to him that I had not gotten anything because no one had opened the twelve pack of Coca ~Cola and I didn't want to be the one to open it. I also didn't want any of the drinks that were on ice. Fr. Bill decided that I needed a drink and returned with a can of Coca~Cola.
The can was one of Coca~Cola's #ShareaCoke cans. The message on my can was: Share a Coke with your Sis. When I read the words, I thought about my sister, Melody. I also thought about my Nuns: Sister Anne, Sister Julie and Sister Maxine. As I continued to look at the words on the can, I thought about Reverend Joan's words as she blessed me. I knew that along with being reminded of the wonderful sister and Sisters in my life, I was also being given a sign. Ah, God does meet us in the most unexpected places... even on a Coca~Cola can!
God Bless you and keep you!
Sister Pat, FMT
Holy Mary, Mother of Creation,
bless us that we may experience
God as Love in praise of all creatures,
in love of all of creation. Amen.
Father Michael Adams - www.livingrosaries.org