Friday, March 20, 2015

I am a Pharisee

In Luke's gospel chapter 18 verses 9-14, Jesus talks about two people who go into the Temple to pray.  One is a Pharisee and the other is a tax collector.  The Pharisee goes up to the altar and begins to speak about being pious, virtuous, generous in giving alms and thanks God that he is not a sinner like the tax collector.  However, the tax collector stays near the back, never looks up, admits to being a sinner and asks for God's mercy.  I know I am like the tax collector, a sinner in need of mercy.  But I often act like the Pharisee.  When I overheard a co-worker thanking God for receiving a requested  day off, my first reaction was, "Well, God answered that one's prayers, but not mine."  I then went  over, in my mind, all the "sins" I thought my co-worker had committed within our workplace compared to my own "sins" and, of course, came to the conclusion that my co-worker had done more "wrong" than me.  Yet my co-worker had been justified for having faith and believing while my prayers went unanswered.  At some point a day or two later, the Gospel story about the Pharisee and Tax collector ran through my mind.  At that moment, I realized that while I like to think of myself as the tax collector with head bowed admitting my sins and asking for mercy, all too often, I am the Pharisee holding my head up high admitting nothing but my piousness and wondering why I am not justified.

Holy Mary, Mother of Creation,
bless us that we may experience God
as Love in praise of all creatures,
in love of all of creation. Amen.
Father Michael Adams -

Peace & Blessing!
Sister Pat, FMT

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