Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Does listening to or reading the Gospels ever make you uncomfortable?

 Are the words just that... words written about events that took place two centuries ago that just concern us only because they are reminders of God's saving grace and love? What does being a Christian, a follower of Christ, really require of us?

Joan Chittister, in her book The Fire In These Ashes states that the religious life has only one goal and that is to seek God and God alone. But she also reminds us that we must seek God where God is and not where we expect God to be. Those in religious life are not the only ones called to seek God. Everyone who believes must seek God.

Which brings me back to my original question. Do the words of the Gospels make you feel uncomfortable? They should. Those words are not merely the retelling of the history of Salvation. They are not just filled with little parables that we ponder like those who originally heard them.

The Gospels are a call to action. A call to seek God and God alone, yes, but to seek God where God is and sometimes we might not want to do that because God is not where we want to find God. Oh yes, God is there at Mass and with us as we pray our daily prayers. But God is also in those people and places and events that we just do not want to think about because it makes us too uncomfortable. It is not our responsibility. Not our problem. Nothing we can do.

But are we not called by the Jesus who stretched out His arms and died for love of us and by the God who created us to do something more than attend Mass, say our prayers and make donations? Are we not called to leave behind the comfort and safety of where we want God to be and follow Jesus to where He wants us to be? Jesus was a radical. A threat. Someone who spoke out against the injustice of His time and expected others to do the same. Hidden in those safe little parables were admonitions to us all about hearing and following and listening to the Word of God, about having faith and about loving.

Now that sounds safe enough until we realize that we are called to stand up and speak out and be the voices and question the choices and take the risks. How easy it is to look around at a world that has so much destruction and suffering within it and ask "Where is God? Why does God let this happen?" So very difficult to realize that God is asking us the same questions, "Where are you? "Why do you let this happen?" We must find the courage to follow the Gospel, to let go of what is comfortable, seek God and God alone, to find God where God is and say "Here I am, Lord."

Holy Mary, Mother of Creation, bless us that we may experience God as Love in praise of all creatures, in love of all of creation. Amen. Father Michael Adams -

Peace and Blessing! 
Sister Pat, FMT

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