We are all familiar with the scene in John's Gospel of Mary standing near the Cross along with Mary Magdalene and the Beloved Disciple. Speculation abounds as to whether that actually happened or if, like much of John's Gospel, the scene is meant to be symbolic rather than factual. After all, some argue, none of the other Gospels mention Mary, or anyone else for that matter, being at the foot of the Cross. I had the opportunity, on Good Friday, to discuss this particular topic with a friend who is a priest. He believes that John's Gospel account of Mary being present at Her Son's Crucifixion and Death is symbolic because everyone abandoned Jesus in those last hours. No one was with Him.
I thought about that and wondered which is easier for us to believe and why? Is it easier for us to believe that everyone did abandon Jesus? That no one had the courage to stand with Him until the end? Perhaps we find some solace in knowing that during the most difficult and challenging moments, everyone including the Apostles, lost faith and courage and ran away. So when that happens to us, we are not alone in our weakness.
But what if we believe that John's account is factual and not merely symbolic? That really is much more difficult. Believing that Mary saw all the events as they unfolded from the scourging to the Crucifixion and that She stood by Her Son is a challenge that we might not want to accept because it is just too hard.
And yet, that really is the very challenge we are called every day to accept, isn't it?
Holy Mary, Mother of Creation, bless us that we may experience God as Love in praise of all creatures, in love of all of creation. Amen. Father Michael Adams - www.livingrosaries.org
Peace and Blessing!
Sister Pat, FMT
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